Saturday, April 22, 2006


Folks you have to see this movie. I cannot recommend a film any more. This movie, which won the Academy Award for best foreign language film this year, is powerful, emotionally challenging.....It's a redemption story really....hard to watch in some spots but ultimately empowering.

The film really made me think. It shows that regardless of the scars we may have from our childhood or upbringing...regardless of the tough times we have in our lives and how bruised they may have left us emotionally and spiritually.....we can begin the process of healing ourselves through caring for and being there for others...

This movie definately goes in the all time favorites category...

1 comment:

Blu Jewel said...

You have made a valid point and you're insight is profound. you are so right that healing can be achieved by helping; what better way to turn a negative into a positive.